Šungit Time products

Šungit Time products

Shungite water filters, natural soaps, pyramids and plates for mobile phones

Can be purchased only in person at our facility.

Shungite water filters
Shungite is a polymineral carbon rock with a high content of fullerenes and a high proportion of carbon for drinking water treatment. Through natural shungite filtration, you rid the water of unwanted substances and bacteria. The advantage over chemical filters is that shungite returns healthy trace elements to the water.

Shungite natural soaps
Natural soap composed of essential oils, shea butter and produced by adding shungite water, which is very beneficial for the human body. After washing with shungite soap, the skin is soft, supple and thoroughly clean. Suitable for all skin types (face and body), relieves irritation and redness. No preservatives or artificial colors are added to the soap. Dermatologically tested.

Shungite pyramids
The pyramid made of real shungite, polished, is intended for use in space. The shungite pyramid purifies the space from the influence of geoactive, i.e., geological anomalies such as faults, subsidence, or underground water flows. The shungite pyramid is a solution for creating an environment protected from electrosmog. Electrosmog is a mixture of frequencies of all bands, high current transmitters, high power transmitters, mobile transmitters as well as telephones, computers and other devices.


Shungite plates for smartphones
A shungite plate that can be stuck or attached to a mobile phone case. It serves to reduce the electromagnetic radiation that is all around us. Transmitters are Wi-Fi, televisions, mobile phones themselves and other electrical appliances. SHUNGIT reduces frequencies from 900 to 1800 MHz up to tenfold.


Certificate valid until: 13.09.2025

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