Thai balms

Thai balms
Herbal massage product Sambhesaj with a significant relaxing and regenerative effect on the skin.
Can be purchased only in person at our facility.
The balms are extracted from traditional natural oils and native Thai herbs. Each color of the balm corresponds to a different effect on the skin of the body. The balm has a gentle cooling effect.
White - for regeneration and relaxation of stiff neck, shoulders and back
Yellow - for regeneration and relaxation of muscles, tendons and other sprains on the body
Green - universal balm, primarily intended for skin regeneration during massage and for relief from itching after insect bites
Červený - balzam s hĺbkovým regeneračným a uvoľňujúcim účinkom
Price: 10 g / 4 € 50 g / 8 € 200 g / 20 €