Lymphatic foot massage

°In case of swellings°
Lymphatic foot massage
Ritual cleansing foot bath, lymphatic foot massage /1 h/, 2x drinks and relaxation Only therapist Mimi and Lisa.
For whole stay in Palawi dedicate 1h30min
What can you expect? This massage is very gentle and slow. Because even the flow of lymph in our body is very slow, the therapist monitors its speed and direction of flow to the lymph nodes with her hands. After collecting it with gentle pressure and beating from the lymph nodes, it pushes it back. The goal is to support the movement of lymph, which in the lymph nodes gets rid of waste substances by draining them into the bloodstream and thus supports the immune system. Swelling can occur in places where the flow of lymph is blocked, e.g. when standing or sitting for a long time without moving the lower limbs, after operations and the like. By supporting its movement, the body is naturally detoxified, wounds heal faster, metabolism improves, it can support cellulite, facial swelling, migraines, etc.
In any case, a daily walk in the fresh air or other meaningful movement, adequate diet, strengthening and a smile on your face - all this, together with lymphoma massage, can improve the quality of your life.
Lymph is a clear fluid located in the intercellular space, it circulates in delicate lymphatic vessels.
When applying lymphomasage, consult a doctor in advance: malignant diseases, heart problems, acute inflammatory foci and febrile conditions, open wounds.