Flower-honey bath with head and face massage


Flower-honey bath with head and face massage

Aromatherapeutic relaxation bath with head and face massage /30 min/

It can´t be ordered separately, just as an addition to the procedures taking place in the area reserved for the oil massages

What awaits you

Bath with 100% natural essential oil pink wood, honey and flower buds, during which the therapist will make head and facial massage. Rare essential oil pink wood has antiseptic and antifungal effects, soothes, harmonizes, improves the mood and generally calms the body during depression. It is also effective against headaches and nausea. Together with honey regenrates skin cells and stimulates the immune system. The bath is also suitable for dry and sensiive skin.


35 € with VAT/person

Certificate valid until: 13.09.2025

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